Rafi Sahab Ne Kiya Shabdon Par Jaadu (Part 1)

Rafi Sahab Ne Kiya Shabdon Par Jaadu (Part 1)

Andaaz-e-Rafi Sahab, Blogs
Rafi Sahab Ne Kiya Shabdon Par Jaadu (Part 1) [sm-youtube-subscribe]   अक्सर हम रफ़ी साहब को उनकी मख़मली और जादूभरी आवाज़ के लिए जानते हैं। मगर इस पोस्ट में मैं रफ़ी साहब की एक ऐसी ख़ासियत की बात करना चाहूँगा जिसका लुत्फ़ तो आपने यक़ीनन उठाया होगा पर शायद उस पर ग़ौर नहीं किया होगा। और ग़ौर करें भी कैसे? रफ़ी साहब महज़ एक लाइन में इतना कुछ निभा जाते थे कि उनके जादू को समझने के लिए भी वक़्त लगता है। यह शेर मेरी इस कोशिश को बयाँ करता है। उनके फ़न को बयाँ करें, ऐसे मेरे अल्‍फ़ाज़ नहीं। कोशिश कर रहा हूँ वरना मुझ में तो कोई बात नहीं।। तो चलिए, आज हम बात करेंगे रफ़ी साहब की शब्दों पर किए जादू की। जी, बिल्कुल सही पढ़ा आपने।…
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Filmmaking 101 For Actors By An Independent Filmmaker

Filmmaking 101 For Actors By An Independent Filmmaker I started my journey as an independent filmmaker a couple of years back. It is one of the greatest joys one can experience when you take a one-liner thought and turn it into a movie. Seeing your creation live is like living your dream! In this journey of mine, I have auditioned, directed, and worked with actors of various skill levels, training, and background. Hence, I thought it may be a good idea to share some tips for actors from an independent filmmaker's perspective. Of course, if you work with a big production house things could be a lot more amplified and, at places, different. So, look at it as a general reference than a rule book. Let's jump into it now.…
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It’s Your Journey

It’s Your Journey

It's Your Journey As an entrepreneur, you are glued to the seat working on the same stuff all by yourself. Sometimes days and weeks pass by that you get to interact with another person including your friends. And, then there are those times when you wish that awesome thing you have been working on gets noticed by people. You put your best foot forward and launch your product, share it on your blog or on social media and wait for a shower of likes and comments. But, sigh! It hardly gets noticed even by people who are close to you or admire you the most. And, you keep wondering, what are you missing? Why such a feeble response? If you ever experienced this, then you are not alone my friend.…
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Why should Software Professionals and Techies consider writing?

Why should Software Professionals and Techies consider writing? Writing! Not my cup of tea. I am better off writing code. Writing sounds so boring. If this sounds familiar to you as a techie, read along. Forget writing, consider sharing Let's just forget about writing for a moment. Do you as a techie have an immense knowledge that others could benefit from? It may sound like an everyday skill to you. But, if you have been working for some time in a specific area (or a set of domains as these are often referred to), chances are high that you have built a wealth of knowledge over time. This could be in the form of skills, experiences, how to do something better, things to watch out for, and so on. Yes,…
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I Did Not Get An Opportunity…

I Did Not Get An Opportunity... Whether you are a manager, a leader or an individual contributor, many of us face this situation, perhaps multiple times in our lives and career, "I did not get an opportunity to do that". Now, I have spent over a couple of decades in the software industry in various roles from an individual contributor to the leadership and management positions. But, having talked to friends and acquaintances I gather that this is a fairly common situation across the board. Before I present my views, I would like to clarify that this post summarizes my experiences and learnings on how I had handled such situations in the past and created some win-win, you guessed it right, opportunities! I am also going to use some real…
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For all those Jigarwalas who never give up

लड़खड़ाते हुए को देख मस्कुरा तो रहे हो मगर। लड़खड़ा के उठने का जज़्बा जिगरवालों में ही होता है।। आँधीयों में भी जो न बुझे वह चिराग है। हौसला तो वैसे तूफ़ानों में भी होता है।।
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Happy Mother’s Day

हर मोड़ पर हमें है संभालती, एेसी होती है माँ। हमारी दुत्कार को भी है पुचकारती, एेसी होती है माँ। ख़ुद खाना खाया या नहीं, यह याद नहीं उसे। पर हमारे हर निवाले को निहारती, एेसी होती है माँ। अासपास कोई समझे-न-समझे तुम्हें। फोन की एक अावाज़ पर पहचानती, एेसी होती है माँ। Happy Mother's Day
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An Ordinary Runner – Behind the Scenes

Lets go behind the scenes of An Ordinary Runner. Q. What is the inspiration behind An Ordinary Runner? Nitin: There were 2 main things that inspired the story. 1) Firstly, my own journey as a runner. Going from 800m to 10K took me some time. Obviously, it was not easy. But, along the way I not only developed my running skills, I actually started enjoying it. 2) Secondly, in the past the sports movies I got to watch focused on real athletes (or drew an inspiration in some form), their challenges and accomplishments. When I thought of AOR's script, I had an ordinary man in mind, his routine and the typical experiences many of us go through in day to day lives. In my humble opinion, what makes this story…
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